Travis Bruno

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Forum Replies Created

RE: WEEK 52 | FRIDAY | JOHN 21.1-25

It was mostly Jimmy! And I am so grateful to get to do this alongside y'all. I hope it was an enriching year!!

In forum WEEK 52 | JOHN CHAPTERS 19-21

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 49 | THURSDAY | JOHN 13.21-30

So, the way John refers to himself as "the one whom Jesus loved" several times... is that more of a normal kind of thing in writing from this time? The author using a phrase to refer to themself? Beca...

In forum WEEK 49 | JOHN CHAPTER 13

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 49 | TUESDAY | JOHN 13.12-17

Gosh, with the note yesterday comparing the feet-washing to Jesus's final act on the cross, this challenge has some added weight! We know Jesus isn't just asking everyone to clean other feet. So let's...

In forum WEEK 49 | JOHN CHAPTER 13

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 49 | MONDAY | JOHN 13.1-11

One of my favorite and sentimental moments... the humility and intimacy between Jesus and his disciples, the teacher and his followers. Something extra I found in my study notes clarifies the comparis...

In forum WEEK 49 | JOHN CHAPTER 13

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 48 | MONDAY | JOHN 12.1-11

@siteadmin It is really really interesting to think more about those plotting against him... to think about what it may have felt like living with the constant reality of the Roman occupation. What le...

In forum WEEK 48 | JOHN CHAPTER 12

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 46 | MONDAY | JOHN 9.1-7

@siteadmin I have definitely been noticing this trend in tension… Jesus seems to keep saying things in a way that sounds like he is connected to and living out of relationship to a God that is entirel...

In forum WEEK 46 | JOHN CHAPTER 9

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 44 | TUESDAY | JOHN 7.10-24

I know I’m a week late, but catching up and I had to post! v23 is quite an answer to some of my wonderings on the week before! In a similar way, “bending” the Sabbath for circumcision happens, all the...

In forum WEEK 44 | JOHN CHAPTER 7

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 43 | THURSDAY | JOHN 6.52-59

I don’t know what, if any, additional meaning the difference makes. But I thought it was interesting where the words change for “eat”: v52, 53 - eat - esthio: to eatv54, 56, 57 - eats/consumes - trogo...

In forum WEEK 43 | JOHN CHAPTER 6

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 43 | WEDNESDAY | JOHN 6.30-51

So Jesus is kind of talking about his chain of authority and a sort of chain(progression) of salvation… It’s both so open, but also maybe restricted? Jesus says everyone who looks to him and believes ...

In forum WEEK 43 | JOHN CHAPTER 6

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 42 | THURSDAY | JOHN 5.1-24

@shelley-johnson Yes, for sure! That reference to Luke 13 is so good… to be set free from what binds us. I feel like this is an interesting lens with which to approach sabbath. It’s a time to lay down...

In forum WEEK 42 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 4-5

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 42 | THURSDAY | JOHN 5.1-24

I’m trying to understand more about Sabbath and what God really desires for us with that command… I wonder if “these things” Jesus was doing on the Sabbath are like a Holy bending of the rule, or if t...

In forum WEEK 42 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 4-5

2 years ago

I wanted to get some more context, here’s some notes from an NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible: Samaritans: A people who claimed that they were descendants of Jacob but whom Jews considered to be ...

In forum WEEK 42 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 4-5

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 41 | FRIDAY | JOHN 3.25-36

What humility from John the Baptist… He isn’t swayed by “losing” disciples to another, but he recognizes the whole picture, the whole point of the wedding. He is celebrating his friend, the bridegroom...

In forum WEEK 41 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 2-3

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 41 | THURSDAY | JOHN 3.16-24

How interesting that I rarely think about the value of the context before John 3:16! Even though it’s one of those that begins with a word connected it to the preceding section… And the connection to ...

In forum WEEK 41 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 2-3

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 41 | MONDAY | JOHN 2.1-12

Always a good start to ministry, haha! I know how it feels to interpret this interaction with his mom from our culture/perspective… Jesus kinda pushes back, but his mom just ignores it and expects him...

In forum WEEK 41 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 2-3

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 40 | THURSDAY | JOHN 1.35-42

ALSO what an invitational Jesus! What are you seeking? Come and you will see. I know this is most directly a response to where he’s staying, but it feels much bigger than that, right? Am I reading ...

In forum WEEK 40 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 1

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 40 | THURSDAY | JOHN 1.35-42

Okay, so… what sort of meaning did the words “Messiah” and “Christ” have for these Jews “pre”-Jesus? Some interesting notes: Easton’s Bible Dictionary Messiah: (Heb. mashiah), in all the thirty-nine...

In forum WEEK 40 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 1

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 40 | WEDNESDAY | JOHN 1.24-34

@shelley-johnson I imagine we get a taste of it with things like the sunrise each morning… Like you knew it was coming and can expect what it’ll probably look like but actually seeing it catches your ...

In forum WEEK 40 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 1

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 40 | WEDNESDAY | JOHN 1.24-34

It’s a little confusing in v31 & 33 he says he didn’t know him — Like John didn’t quite yet understand who his cousin Jesus was? But he also among these verses says exactly who Jesus is: “Behold,...

In forum WEEK 40 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 1

2 years ago
RE: WEEK 37 | TUESDAY | LUKE 19.11-28

This is definitely one of those hard sections where I'm not sure where the line is for the application of the parable... and even still, what is the lesson here? It seems like it's generally about bei...

In forum WEEK 37 | LUKE 19-20

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 37 | MONDAY | LUKE 19.1-10

Just sort of realizing how interesting a lesson this is on hospitality... One one hand, how wonderful a transformation, once Jesus reached out, to see Zacchaeus totally flip is lifestyle and commit to...

In forum WEEK 37 | LUKE 19-20

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 29 | MONDAY | LUKE 4.1-13

Getting into the action this week!!! My prayer is for more awareness of the enemy's approach, so I can have the right response to his temptations and offers for false wholeness... Thank you Jesus for ...

In forum WEEK 29 | LUKE 4-5

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 28 | THURSDAY | Luke 3:1-20

@shelley-johnson I love those things you pointed out!! What important reminders to consider when looking at our own posture and spirit...

In forum WEEK 28 | LUKE 2-3

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 26 | MONDAY | MATTHEW 27.1-14

Posted by: @siteadmin 6 The chief priests took the silver and said, “It is not lawful to put this into the temple treasury, since it is blood money.” The irony... 😫

In forum WEEK 26 | MATTHEW 27-28

3 years ago

I’m reminded of the passage we talked about with Youth last night, specifically Philippians 2:6-11… Jesus emptying and humbling himself, not holding onto his true equality with God, but perfectly obed...

In forum WEEK 25 | MATTHEW 26

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 24 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 25.31-46

@jimmy and if the whole point is that wholeness, what do you do with such a stark contrast of the results of sheep vs goats? That is still kind of a hard thing for me to reconcile in these passages. ...

In forum WEEK 24 | MATTHEW 24-25

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 24 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 25.31-46

To me, this part is like the practical explanation that Jesus sometimes gives to his disciples after his parables… with the virgins and with the talents, the point is not to just wait for the Jesus to...

In forum WEEK 24 | MATTHEW 24-25

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 22 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 21.33-46

@shelley-johnson It certainly is about a foretelling of Jesus' death within the context of prophet rejection! Maybe it's both in some way. 😜 I see the parallel in that reality (of the prophets...

In forum WEEK 22 | MATTHEW 20-21

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 22 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 21.33-46

This passage reminds me to be careful of any entitlement I might feel because I'm already "in"... I'm not motivated by just seeking inheritance for myself, but should work to give back a "portion of t...

In forum WEEK 22 | MATTHEW 20-21

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 22 | TUESDAY | MATTHEW 20.17-34

Posted by: @siteadmin 20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to him with her sons, and kneeling down she asked him for a favor. What do you think Matthew was doing, telling it as their mothe...

In forum WEEK 22 | MATTHEW 20-21

3 years ago

Ok, I’m going to try to do/edit this post to keep my overall thoughts for these chapters… Moments: The Sower/Seeds - the nature of things, some people are more/less “built/prepared” to receive the Gos...

In forum WEEK 19 | MATTHEW 13-14

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 19 | MONDAY | MATTHEW 13.1-17

@mallary-malwick SAME. It’s been a tricky week to read through so far. 😜 One thing I wanted to share that I find in the NET Study Notes: “What he has will be taken from him.” The meaning is ...

In forum WEEK 19 | MATTHEW 13-14

3 years ago

This idea that there are some people that are “poisonous weeds” that will be thrown into the furnace is hard for me to process… Maybe this is just an idea that helps to explain the way some won’t beli...

In forum WEEK 19 | MATTHEW 13-14

3 years ago

I feel like I am often trying to find better words to express this idea, and one way it has come to mind as I read these chapters is this: Jesus is yearning for us to discover the point. It’s not succ...

In forum WEEK 18 | MATTHEW 11-12

3 years ago

@vltaylor1136 I wonder if it’s sort of a warning to the expert in the law? Jesus may know that what he is asking, he doesn’t truly know the full scope of what it means (reminds me of the rich young ma...

In forum WEEK 16 | MATTHEW 7-8

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 15 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 6:19-34

@shelley-johnson I’m the same, Shelley!! I think the word pursue feels a lot more engaged, and it makes me think of God’s continual pursuit of us, as well… maybe it’s just because it’s a new word, but...

In forum WEEK 15 | MATTHEW 5-6

3 years ago
RE: Week 14 | Tuesday | Matthew 1.18-2.12

@jimmy lol, fair enough.

In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4

3 years ago
RE: Week 14 | Tuesday | Matthew 1.18-2.12

@jimmy Man that is a lot to take in, but I do think it makes a lot of sense... I like the idea of wrestling vs. rebellion... I think about how we get sort of taken aback by some of these laws because ...

In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4

3 years ago
RE: Week 14 | Tuesday | Matthew 1.18-2.12

@siteadmin So... can you help me move beyond: "Dang... the Law of Moses was more awful than I thought!" ??? And what does it mean for "a spirit of jealousy to come on a man" ? (Even if "she has not d...

In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4

3 years ago
RE: Week 13 | Thursday | Mark 15:33-47

@jimmy Us from God vs. God from Us – that is helpful to think about! The things that stick out in my memory are the moment where the men died after touching the Ark as it was falling, and something ab...

In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16

3 years ago
RE: Week 13 | Thursday | Mark 15:33-47

@siteadmin I guess how I said it above? …the idea that in a moment, Jesus experienced separation from God. Jesus feeling the physical cost of the cross for sure, and the relational pain from moments ...

In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16

3 years ago
RE: Week 13 | Friday | Mark 16:1-20

We made it through! How was Mark for you? As Jimmy said in the Podcast, "Where is the resurrected Jesus among you?!"

In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16

3 years ago
RE: Week 13 | Thursday | Mark 15:33-47

@okiebull13 @jimmy I've also considered the element of "Jesus taking on our sins" as part of the cross... and the idea that in a moment, Jesus experienced separation from God. Jesus feeling the physic...

In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16

3 years ago
RE: Week 13 | Tuesday | Mark 15:15-21

I think the only positive thing I get from this section is considering why Simon of Cyrene is mentioned so specifically... We remember the context of Mark's writing as it was intended for his faith co...

In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16

3 years ago
RE: Week 13 | Tuesday | Mark 15:15-21

@jimmy I have no words for how horrific this practice is. 😫 Regardless of who receives it.

In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16

3 years ago
RE: Week 12 | Wednesday | Mark 14:22-42

@silverfx23 Don't be afraid to jump in! 🙂

In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14

3 years ago
RE: Week 12 | Wednesday | Mark 14:22-42

@jimmy Next time don't reply until you say all you need to say! 😉 But that is a helpful reminder, thank you!! And informative background...

In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14

3 years ago
RE: Week 12 | Wednesday | Mark 14:22-42

@jimmy Like, when I look at these verses in Mark (and also checked the other Gospels to see, as well), I don't necessarily see instructions for what we do for communion today... Obviously it's related...

In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14

3 years ago
RE: Week 12 | Wednesday | Mark 14:22-42

@jimmy @vltaylor1136 I was wondering similar things! What would Jesus's words have sounded like and meant to these guys? How does our sacrament of communion, feeling so ancient and established, come f...

In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14

3 years ago
RE: Mark 14 Podcast Part 02: Mark 14.27-72

Some further thoughts I couldn't compose in the moment on the podcast about the woman anointing Jesus... The beauty that she gets it... Of all Jesus's closest people and those most devoted and desper...

In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14

3 years ago
RE: Week 12 | Monday | Mark 14.1-11

@mallary-malwick Gosh, I hadn’t really thought of that but I think you’re right! What a conversation that would have been… Part of me hopes he still got that chance somehow.

In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14

3 years ago
RE: Week 12 | Monday | Mark 14.1-11

@mallary-malwick What do you think might be leading him to take the path he chooses? We see how the rest of the disciples often miss the point, too (i.e. those indignant by the woman here; and many ot...

In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14

3 years ago
RE:Week 11 | Tuesday | Mark 13:9-13

An interesting thing I read in the NET notes, refers to how persecution will play out in Jewish contexts (councils & synagogues) and Gentile contexts (governors & kings)… And he then says the ...

In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13

3 years ago
RE: Week 11 | Monday | Mark 13:1-8

@jralphsmith It's really interesting to see the stone "types" change! And always amazing to think about how they could have moved such large stones so many years ago... So this is like a retaining wa...

In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13

3 years ago
RE: Week 11 | Sunday | Mark 13

One thing that certainly helps me process this chapter is to first consider it as it was originally experienced (as disciples and others with Jesus) and second as it was later read/shared from Mark's ...

In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13

3 years ago
RE: Week 10 | Friday | Mark 12:34-44

So is Jesus, in a way, pointing out a hiccup in their beliefs that is similar to the kind of trapping the experts have been doing? It just feels like he is able to walk circles around them with this r...

In forum WEEK 10 | MARK CHAPTER 12

3 years ago
RE: Week 10 | Thursday | Mark 12:28-34

I am just so encouraged by this interaction. In contrast to the other challenging questions, this expert seems to be drifting closer to the truth in Jesus… He is not far from the kingdom of God!

In forum WEEK 10 | MARK CHAPTER 12

3 years ago
RE: Week 09 | Thursday | Mark 11:20-25

@amberhocker @shelley-johnson The mystery of faith… the power of prayer… I’m with ya. Don’t worry! We finally clear it up in the podcast, so be looking out! PS - We definitely don’t. Hahahaha, but I t...

In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11

3 years ago
RE: Week 09 | Thursday | Mark 11:20-25

This is a tough one. Whenever this passage has been talked about, I usually come away feeling discouraged because of all the good things I have prayed for that haven’t come about… Did I just not belie...

In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11

3 years ago
RE: Week 09 | Wednesday | Mark 11:15-19

@jimmy @silverfx23 That was definitely something I think I faced for the first time, when we went through the OT a couple years ago… and it is odd to think about. But just like Jesus’s teachings often...

In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11

3 years ago
RE: Week 09 | Tuesday | Mark 11:11-14

Man... reading through this (and peeking into tomorrows portion) again, I'm getting a new picture that is much darker and sort of chilling. This is my interpretation, anyway: Then Jesus entered Jerus...

In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11

3 years ago
RE: Week 08 | Monday | Mark 10:1-9

@jimmy So, I suppose another important element about this section is Jesus's response is primarily in response to that context... not to us. This isn't to say it doesn't have an application or meaning...

In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10

3 years ago
RE: Week 08 | Monday | Mark 10:1-9

Okay so... this is a difficult passage (including v10-12 in Tuesday's reading). I think/hope what we shared in the podcast can help when we deal with this one. Just one other thing I wanted to say, th...

In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10

3 years ago
RE: Week 08 | Monday | Mark 10:1-9

@okiebull13 It's there for me! 🧐

In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10

3 years ago
RE: Week 08 | Tuesday | Mark 10:10-22

Something that just stood out to me, is that this young man approaches Jesus much like others in previous chapters who have had great need for healing: running up and falling to his knees. Maybe this ...

In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10

3 years ago
RE: Week 07 | Friday | Mark 9:28-50

Okay so... what kind of prayer does Jesus mean here? What was prayer to Jews and these disciples during this time? Just "talking to God" as we say it? Or something else?

In forum WEEK 07 | MARK CHAPTERS 08-09

3 years ago
RE: Week 07 | Wednesday | Mark 88

@silverfx23 Yes! What a roller coaster of awareness, of right and wrong reactions… Ultimately, Peter is just trying, and Jesus always has grace for that because Peter’s heart is for Jesus, even when h...

In forum WEEK 07 | MARK CHAPTERS 08-09

3 years ago
RE: Week 07 | Monday | Mark 8:1-13

@jimmy Which means it's okay to moan and groan about things sometimes... @jralphsmith said it well on Sunday, and I am processing it to mean that unless we are contending for something we shouldn't co...

In forum WEEK 07 | MARK CHAPTERS 08-09

3 years ago
RE: Week 05 | Friday | Mark 6:45-56

@jimmy GREAT insight, thank you!!!

In forum WEEK 05 | MARK CHAPTER 06

3 years ago
RE: Week 05 | Friday | Mark 6:45-56

@okiebull13 Sure sure! I also noticed that part... so I guess I'm wondering what their hearts were hardened to regarding the experience with the loaves. What do you think they were thinking about whi...

In forum WEEK 05 | MARK CHAPTER 06

3 years ago
RE: Week 05 | Friday | Mark 6:45-56

@jimmy Back at UCO, we had a large format printer that could print on a 4’ wide roll! Is that big enough??? I can check with some of my current contacts… 😜

In forum WEEK 05 | MARK CHAPTER 06

3 years ago
RE: Week 05 | Friday | Mark 6:45-56

What do you think they didn't understand about the loaves??? That it was a miracle? That it was a physical/actual example of God's provision? Just wondering a bit why Mark says their lack of understan...

In forum WEEK 05 | MARK CHAPTER 06

3 years ago
RE: Week 05 | Thursday | Mark 6:30-44

@jralphsmith I don't quite read as much sarcasm in it... but a sort of exhaustion, maybe? They had all just been catching up from all the ministry they had been out doing, and Jesus himself was like "...

In forum WEEK 05 | MARK CHAPTER 06

3 years ago
RE: Week 05 | Wednesday | Mark 6:17-29

@vltaylor1136 Gosh, that's so true... Like just considering it some entertaining novelty when it's convenient, but throwing it away because you give it no real value. May we grow deeper in our underst...

In forum WEEK 05 | MARK CHAPTER 06

3 years ago
RE: Week 05 | Tuesday | Mark 6:7-16

@jimmy What does pseudepigraphal mean? And I guess I need to make some focaccia bread! Thank you for the extra insight on their “perspective of olive oil.” I didn’t realize it would make a difference,...

In forum WEEK 05 | MARK CHAPTER 06

3 years ago
RE: Week 04 | Wednesday | Mark 5:21-24

@jimmy Thanks for that info! This is where I sometimes feel stuck... I think I notice something within the text, but I don't really know how to figure out if there is meaningful correlation or not. Ce...

In forum WEEK 04 | MARK CHAPTER 05

3 years ago
RE: Week 04 | Wednesday | Mark 5:21-24

So, something I didn’t get a chance to ask before, but I can’t help but notice a sort of parallel in the way Jairus responds to seeing Jesus and how the Legion-demonized Man responds to him. When he ...

In forum WEEK 04 | MARK CHAPTER 05

3 years ago
RE: The Decapolis | by Shelley Johnson

Pigs… You mentioned this and when Jimmy mentioned it to me on the Podcast, it made so much sense to me in a new way! I’ve always been puzzled by Jesus’s willingness to send the 2,000 pigs to die—but w...

In forum WEEK 04 | MARK CHAPTER 05

3 years ago
RE: Week 04 | Monday | Mark 5:1-13

@jralphsmith Seems like a bad lil' dude* who got caught! Like the unclean spirits are taking advantage of the way God has allowed space for choice and evil... but immediately begs for mercy like it wa...

In forum WEEK 04 | MARK CHAPTER 05

3 years ago
RE: Week 04 | Sunday - Mark 5

@jimmy Hahaha, you are crazy… BUT - what a moment/shift in this whole story! Mark is telling it like this is the beginning of the good news flowing into all the world… and I feel like this makes it s...

In forum WEEK 04 | MARK CHAPTER 05

3 years ago
RE: Week 03 | Thursday - Mark 4:10-25

@shelley-johnson @mallary-malwick Yes, thank you Shelley! It does seem to make more sense in the context of God's Word... especially the parable preceding that one line I mentioned. All things in God...

In forum WEEK 03 | MARK CHAPTERS 3-4

3 years ago
RE: Week 03 | Thursday - Mark 4:10-25

Two parts that I get kind of caught on… ' that although they look they may look but not see, and although they hear they may hear but not understand, so they may not repent and be forgiven.' At...

In forum WEEK 03 | MARK CHAPTERS 3-4

3 years ago
RE: Week 02 -Friday | Mark 2:23-28

@vltaylor1136 Often for me, the answer to questions of Jesus's meaning almost always start with "It comes down to the heart of it." (Which I suppose could also be debated just as much 😜) So, I...

In forum WEEK 02 - MARK CHAPTER 2

3 years ago
RE: Week 02 - Thoughts on Mark 2:18-22 (by Shelley Johnson)

@shelley-johnson WOW, thank you for all of this... The two key things you shared that were helpful for me: Fasting was primarily for mourning. This, along with the timing of his feast and the Pharisee...

In forum WEEK 02 - MARK CHAPTER 2

3 years ago
RE: Week 02 - Tuesday | Mark 2:6-12

Gosh, I just got swept away yesterday with everything else — but I didn't want to forget this section! Which is easier – forgiveness or healing??? Jesus's question feels like it assumes forgiveness is...

In forum WEEK 02 - MARK CHAPTER 2

3 years ago
RE: Week 02 - Monday | Mark 2:1-5

@jimmy Good stuff, thank you! So then, was it more normal to ask for healing (skipping over forgiveness) then? Or is it sort of like a symptom/problem situation where illness is perceived as the symp...

In forum WEEK 02 - MARK CHAPTER 2

3 years ago
RE: Week 02 - Monday | Mark 2:1-5

I'm sure we will talk more about Jesus' responses tomorrow, as well, but why do you think Jesus responded with offering forgiveness to their efforts to seek physical healing?

In forum WEEK 02 - MARK CHAPTER 2

3 years ago
RE: Mark Chapter 1 - Year in the Gospels Readings for Week 1

@sailing-bum Wow, I’m definitely going to save your insights in these words! Nautical analogy, and all. 🙃 Futile efforts to prove my worth, when all along He just wants relationship… and the i...

In forum WEEK 01 - MARK CHAPTER 1

3 years ago
RE: Mark Chapter 1 - Year in the Gospels Readings for Week 1

@jralphsmith When I get mornings right — it makes a monumental difference on the rest of the day... but I also need to be better about days where I don't make the morning time, and giving myself grace...

In forum WEEK 01 - MARK CHAPTER 1

3 years ago
RE: Mark Chapter 1 - Year in the Gospels Readings for Week 1

@siteadmin But... I asked @amberhocker first! Hahaha. I tend to think about things like this from the context of my relationship with my own daughter... And so it makes sense from a place, as her fath...

In forum WEEK 01 - MARK CHAPTER 1

3 years ago
RE: Mark Chapter 1 - Year in the Gospels Readings for Week 1

@amberhocker I just mentioned that too!! (In a reply to Jays earlier comment) Why do you think it was the spirit? 👀

In forum WEEK 01 - MARK CHAPTER 1

3 years ago
RE: Mark Chapter 1 - Year in the Gospels Readings for Week 1

@jralphsmith Reading this bit about the wilderness, I want to try and pay attention as we go through… and see what happens in the wildernesses, see how God uses the wilderness. I’ve got to believe th...

In forum WEEK 01 - MARK CHAPTER 1

3 years ago
RE: Mark Chapter 1 - Intro Resources

@okiebull13 I think the baseline is to read the whole chapter(s) once on Sunday, and then dive into the segments of the chapter(s) again each day through the week. 🙂 And explore any other reso...

In forum WEEK 01 - MARK CHAPTER 1

3 years ago
RE: Mark Chapter 1 - Year in the Gospels Readings for Week 1

What do you think they would have thought of John’s statement about baptism with water vs the Holy Spirit? What was the “Holy Spirit” to Jews of this day? I know what it means for me (especially becau...

In forum WEEK 01 - MARK CHAPTER 1

3 years ago
RE: Mark Chapter 1 - Year in the Gospels Readings for Week 1

@vltaylor1136 I am really looking forward to walking through these personal stories with you and our community! I am praying to not only encounter the person of Jesus in a fresh way, but also to enco...

In forum WEEK 01 - MARK CHAPTER 1

3 years ago