Liked Forum Posts
RE: WEEK 52 | FRIDAY | JOHN 21.1-25 Wow! Another year in the books. Thanks, Jimmy and Travis for all your work behind the scenes. It's been great! |
In forum WEEK 52 | JOHN CHAPTERS 19-21 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 52 | FRIDAY | JOHN 21.1-25 I loved this experience! Thank you! |
In forum WEEK 52 | JOHN CHAPTERS 19-21 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 49 | TUESDAY | JOHN 13.12-17 Amen. And all the while doing so with the humblest and sincerest of attitudes. Without need of acknowledgement, without expectation of reciprocation. Just because that's what Jesus did and told us to ... |
In forum WEEK 49 | JOHN CHAPTER 13 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 46 | MONDAY | JOHN 9.1-7 Well, I think there are several things possibly taking place in this convo. First, in the honor-shame context of the first century, this process of challenges wasn't unexpected nor was it uncommon. Ev... |
In forum WEEK 46 | JOHN CHAPTER 9 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 45 | MONDAY | JOHN 8.1-11 The story of the woman accused of adultery in John 8:1-11 is one of the most beloved stories from the Gospels. However, based on the best and earliest manuscripts we have of the Gospel of John, it is ... |
In forum WEEK 45 | JOHN CHAPTER 8 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 44 | TUESDAY | JOHN 7.10-24 The rabbis understood that some laws were weightier or more important than others. In this case, Rabbi Eleazer ben Azariah would say that one becoming a son of the covenant through circumcision (which... |
In forum WEEK 44 | JOHN CHAPTER 7 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 42 | THURSDAY | JOHN 5.1-24 Yes, to all of that! I did hear someone recently speculate that Jesus choosing to heal on Sabbath was provoke the Pharisees, to open the door for such dialogue. 🤷 One other ... |
In forum WEEK 42 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 4-5 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 41 | WEDNESDAY | JOHN 3.1-15 I love this scene between Jesus and Nicodemus for so many reasons 💜💜 Jesus references Moses -- the story is captured in Numbers 21:4-9: "Then the people of Israel set out from Mount H... |
In forum WEEK 41 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 2-3 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 40 | WEDNESDAY | JOHN 1.24-34 I would love to know how John (the Baptist) felt upon realizing his cousin was the Messiah. |
In forum WEEK 40 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 1 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 40 | WEDNESDAY | JOHN 1.24-34 How this meeting of Jesus with John (the Baptist) would change the world. Yes, I would also love to know what John (the Baptist ) thought after he realized he was related to the Messiah. |
In forum WEEK 40 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 1 |
2 years ago |
RE: WEEK 40 | MONDAY | JOHN 1.1-13 @siteadmin “And the light shines on in the darkness,…”. I love encouraging words |
In forum WEEK 40 | GOSPEL OF JOHN 1 |
2 years ago |
RE:WEEK 30 | THURSDAY | LUKE 7.11-30 So he answered them, “Go tell John what you have seen and heard: The blind see, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have good news proclaimed to them. ... |
In forum WEEK 30 | LUKE 6-7 |
3 years ago |
RE: WEEK 30 | MONDAY | LUKE 6.1-19 @shelley-johnson, The line "one who goes behind me [opisō mou]" is used by John to refer to Jesus in Matthew 3.11n || Mark 1.6 || John 1.14 || John 1.26–31. This is the phrase used in the Gospels an... |
In forum WEEK 30 | LUKE 6-7 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 29 | TUESDAY | LUKE 4.14-30 Jesus comes in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus reads from Isaiah, The Spirit of the Lord is on me. The Trinity is so interesting. I’ve never thought of Jesus and the Holy Spirit being separate. In... |
In forum WEEK 29 | LUKE 4-5 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 28 | THURSDAY | Luke 3:1-20 There's so much packed into this summary of John's ministry: "the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness" -- after centuries of silence, God now speaks to His people; God's wo... |
In forum WEEK 28 | LUKE 2-3 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 27 | FRIDAY | LUKE 1.67-80 So I really like reading these words in Luke that are not in the other gospels (right?!?!)… Mary’s song of praise and Zechariah’s words (prophecy/praise). They both seem so powerful and I am amazed at... |
In forum WEEK 27 | LUKE 1 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 27 | THURSDAY | LUKE 1.57-66 I love how I can reread paragraphs like this one AGAIN and still find hidden gems I'd missed before. Like verse 66. "All who heard these things kept them in their hearts, saying, 'What then will this ... |
In forum WEEK 27 | LUKE 1 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 25 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 26.57-75 Peter 😭😭😭 But redemption is coming. |
In forum WEEK 25 | MATTHEW 26 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 25 | MONDAY | MATTHEW 26.1-16 Upon. Loser look at the map and scale in the life application bible this morning, I see a little itsy bitsy decimal in front of the one🤪🤪 |
In forum WEEK 25 | MATTHEW 26 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 24 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 25.31-46 So good. So true. And I love hearing about Guatemala experiences 🙏💜 |
In forum WEEK 24 | MATTHEW 24-25 |
3 years ago |
RE: WEEK 24 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 25.31-46 @travisbruno3 You wrote something else back in May that resonates still and I think is also a part of these parables: I feel like I am often trying to find better words to express this idea, and one ... |
In forum WEEK 24 | MATTHEW 24-25 |
3 years ago |
RE: WEEK 24 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 25.31-46 Reading these passages again I am struck with the futility of trying to determine the date of “The End”. We need to be about the work of caring for those in need and in growing our relationship with o... |
In forum WEEK 24 | MATTHEW 24-25 |
3 years ago |
RE: WEEK 23 | MONDAY | MATTHEW 22.1-14 The invitation to the kingdom of God, a reality based upon God's heart and will for the world, has been sent out, but those who were invited are too caught up in the workings of the world and day-to-d... |
In forum WEEK 23 | MATTHEW 22-23 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 22 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 21.33-46 That's so good, Travis. So good. You've thought it out so well that I have better understanding about my role in all this, and I feel some conviction. 😅 Entitlement, hoarding, self-seeking--oh... |
In forum WEEK 22 | MATTHEW 20-21 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 22 | SUNDAY | MATTHEW 20-21 There is a lot to unpack this week in our reading. Come along with me and let’s have some great discussion and unpack what Jesus is trying to tell us. |
In forum WEEK 22 | MATTHEW 20-21 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 22 | TUESDAY | MATTHEW 20.17-34 Not only did the blind men regain their sight, they also follow Jesus. So they not only gained physical sight but spiritual sight as well. |
In forum WEEK 22 | MATTHEW 20-21 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 22 | MONDAY | MATTHEW 20.1-16 Jesus is really appealing to our innate sense of fairness to help us grasp that grace is not bound by fairness. Grace redeems the moment Christ is received. Period. And for that we rejoice!! 🎉 |
In forum WEEK 22 | MATTHEW 20-21 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 19 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 14.22-36 This story is so “me”. Jesus asks me to get in the boat and be about his work. When the trip gets a little bumpy, I get nervous and then Jesus shows up. He calls me again and I start heading his way a... |
In forum WEEK 19 | MATTHEW 13-14 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 19 | TUESDAY | MATTHEW 13.18-35 There are times in my faith where I ask the question of where God is, not in response to human suffering but instead because of the blatant rejection of God's expectations for love and justice by Chri... |
In forum WEEK 19 | MATTHEW 13-14 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 19 | MONDAY | MATTHEW 13.1-17 I often have read this passage through a harsher lens than I believe it was intended to be. I think I have read this passage as if God is keeping the soil from being ready for the word. Like, God has... |
In forum WEEK 19 | MATTHEW 13-14 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 18 | WEDNESDAY | MATTHEW 12.1-14 6 I tell you that something greater than the temple is here. Thank you Jesus for bringing something greater than the temple. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that dwells in each of us ... |
In forum WEEK 18 | MATTHEW 11-12 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 18 | SUNDAY | MATTHEW 11-12 I really like how Jesus responded in those first few verses when John the Baptist sent his disciples to find out if Jesus was the “one to come or if they should look for another”. ”Go tell John what y... |
In forum WEEK 18 | MATTHEW 11-12 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 17 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 10.34-42 This passage is full of hard things: Jesus doesn't bring peace to the world but a sword--I imagine the zealots misunderstood this to mean war while we're probably confused because Jesus is the Prince ... |
In forum WEEK 17 | MATTHEW 9-10 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 17 | WEDNESDAY | MATTHEW 9.35-10.15 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest-ready fields.” Where ... |
In forum WEEK 17 | MATTHEW 9-10 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 17 | SUNDAY | MATTHEW 9-10 I have always love Matthew 9:9-13, maybe because I am a nurse but today as Jesus is teaching at Mathew’s house I can’t help but notice how Jesus is using the Old Testament to bring home his point. Ins... |
In forum WEEK 17 | MATTHEW 9-10 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 16 | TUESDAY | MATTHEW 7.15-29 A few things. #1 thank you for your patience in the podcast production. With Holy Week and a few huge meetings at the foundation that Jimmy and Travis are working hard to make happen, we are behind o... |
In forum WEEK 16 | MATTHEW 7-8 |
3 years ago |
RE: WEEK 16 | MONDAY | MATTHEW 7.1-14 Posted by: @siteadmin In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets. Earlier, in Matthew 5:17 Jesus stated that he came "not to abolish ... |
In forum WEEK 16 | MATTHEW 7-8 |
3 years ago |
RE: WEEK 15 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 6:19-34 @travisbruno3 yes!! Here's to pursuing God! |
In forum WEEK 15 | MATTHEW 5-6 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 15 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 6:19-34 I enjoy reading these pages in a different translation. The subtle difference in word choice opens new understandings. Like 6:33. "Seek first the kingdom" is what I've memorized. But hearing it as "pu... |
In forum WEEK 15 | MATTHEW 5-6 |
3 years ago |
RE:WEEK 15 | MONDAY | MATTHEW 5.1-16 It could be a literary device known as framing or book-ending. Jesus, the speaker, opens with the idea that's actually the main idea, that of inheriting the kingdom of heaven. Then He closes with the ... |
In forum WEEK 15 | MATTHEW 5-6 |
3 years ago |
Week 15 | Sunday | Matthew 5-6 This week's reading is two chapters: Matthew 5-6. These chapters are the first two of three of the Sermon on the Mount. This Week's Reading 5 When he saw the crowds, he went up the mountain.... |
In forum WEEK 15 | MATTHEW 5-6 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 14 | Tuesday | Matthew 1.18-2.12 Posted by: @travisbruno3 How might we engage in wrestling without rebellion? This is part of the wrestling. 😉 |
In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 14 | Tuesday | Matthew 1.18-2.12 @travisbruno3: So... can you help me move beyond: "Dang... the Law of Moses was more awful than I thought!" ??? Well, I don't know that I can. I think one way that I personally approach this is thro... |
In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 14 | Tuesday | Matthew 1.18-2.12 Posted by: @travisbruno3 And what does it mean for "a spirit of jealousy to come on a man" ? (Even if "she has not defiled herself") It means he has jealous thoughts. |
In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4 |
3 years ago |
RE:How a Genealogy Tells God’s Story (by Shelley Johnson) Yes, so right about our individualism. I think of how not-so-far-back we know our ancestors these days and MARVEL at the Jewish ways and records--yes for the purpose of tracking lineage but also to wa... |
In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 14 | Tuesday | Matthew 1.18-2.12 You know, this part of the text always sticks out to me: “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising, and have come to pay him homage.” They re... |
In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 14 | Tuesday | Matthew 1.18-2.12 @silverfx23 Jaun, we don't know exactly from where the Magi started their journey. It was likely an area of modern-day Iran or northern Iraq. Magi were often associated with the Persian religion of Zo... |
In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 13 | Thursday | Mark 15:33-47 @travisbruno3: The things that stick out in my memory are the moment where the men died after touching the Ark as it was falling, and something about not being able to directly gaze upon the glory of ... |
In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16 |
3 years ago |
RE: RE:Week 14 | Monday | Matthew 1:1-16 Don't miss the guest post by Shelley Johnson on the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew: How a Genealogy Tells God’s Story (by Shelley Johnson) |
In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 14 | Monday | Matthew 1:1-16 I counted 5 women… is that right Vickie?!! I get lost real quick In genealogies, but it does help me, especially when I notice names I can remember from back in the day! @Bill Parks, makes me real tha... |
In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 14 | Monday | Matthew 1:1-16 Genealogies are not the most interesting reading in the Bible but now that you have did any names stand out to you? Did you recognize any names from the Old Testament? How many women are mentioned? I... |
In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 13 | Thursday | Mark 15:33-47 @travisbruno3: And growing up there was this understanding that sin separates us from God, but Jesus's death and resurrection on the cross bridges that gap/separation, once and for all forever. I th... |
In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 13 | Friday | Mark 16:1-20 I loved going through Mark at such a slow pace! Also, I think it seems a little random and very specific that he tells the disciples that those who believe will “pick up snakes in their bare hands.” W... |
In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 13 | Thursday | Mark 15:33-47 “Someone ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to take him down,” he said.” Mark 15:36 NIV... |
In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 13 | Wednesday | Mark 15:22-32 So interesting, Jimmy. It makes sense that Jesus would be too weak to carry a heavy cross that long distance. I am still amazed that he even survived the beating. Also, so many mocking him. What an em... |
In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 13 | Wednesday | Mark 15:22-32 They brought Jesus to a place called Golgotha (which is translated, “Place of the Skull”) brought: The Greek word for 'brought' (pherō) can mean 'carry' or 'bring.' In Mark it is often used when peop... |
In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 13 | Wednesday | Mark 15:22-32 Jimmy thanks for all this. I had never caught or thought of what the word "brought" meant here. I just visualized it like he was walking carrying his cross, but I think this makes sense that they were... |
In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 13 | Tuesday | Mark 15:15-21 I think I've said this before in group, but as a father this part of the gospel wrecks me emotionally every time. I understand that the greater good happened, but the reward we all get to experience i... |
In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 13 | Tuesday | Mark 15:15-21 15 Because he wanted to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas for them. Then, after he had Jesus flogged, he handed him over to be crucified. Barabbas in Aramaic is Bar Abba, 'Son of the Father... |
In forum WEEK 13 | MARK CHAPTERS 15-16 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 12 | Wednesday | Mark 14:22-42 Gonna say, this is great discussion and I love being able to "listen" and learn from so many of you all. I'm grateful for this format and God bless you all! |
In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 12 | Wednesday | Mark 14:22-42 Reading this I feel all the emotions! (I am a pretty emotional person myself). Jesus- the desperation for a different plan, the frustration of his friends falling asleep, the hurried and maybe anger h... |
In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 12 | Monday | Mark 14.1-11 I honestly don’t know. His role had to take place which makes me feel a little sorry for him. No one wants that role in history. I wonder if it’s a situation like Pharaoh, where God hardened his heart... |
In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 12 | Monday | Mark 14.1-11 Every time I read this passage, I am always drawn to Judas. What must he have been thinking? What must have been going on in his heart? |
In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 12 | Monday | Mark 14.1-11 @siteadmin I’m trying to picture this scene. The priests are plotting Jesus’ death, and Jesus is not stressed and anxious, but is relaxing at a friends house. Then, God spoke to a woman and told her... |
In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 12 | Sunday | Mark 14 This seems like a good time to thank Jay, Jimmy, and Travis for working hard to lead us all through this study. God bless each of you for your commitment! |
In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 12 | Sunday | Mark 14 I know this part of the story is coming, but it still gets me every time. |
In forum WEEK 12 | MARK CHAPTER 14 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 11 | Wednesday | Mark 13:14-20 The Question: When will these things take place? It is important when reading this passage to frame it in the context of what Jesus has previously said and the question that he was asked. When coming ... |
In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 11 | Tuesday | Mark 13:9-13 I have historically, subconsciously connected the GOSPEL must be preached to all nations to an end times expectation. That as long as their are unreached peoples, Jesus will not come back. As I again... |
In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 11 | Monday | Mark 13:1-8 @travisbruno3 Yes. The lower level/style of stone is what remains of the Herodian retaining wall and the upper levels are the walls to the current Haram Esh-Sharif where the Dome of the Rock stands. T... |
In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 11 | Monday | Mark 13:1-8 @travisbruno3 Here's an example of the size of some of the Herodian stones. That's one stone where she is standing. Attachment : 2015-03-17 05.10.10.jpg Behind her are the arches to the "Tripl... |
In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13 |
3 years ago |
RE: Mark 12 Podcasts These podcasts are so helpful. I just want to thank you for taking the time to do them! |
In forum WEEK 10 | MARK CHAPTER 12 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 09 | Thursday | Mark 11:20-25 I think it is interesting that the one specific thing that is mentioned about praying is that we are to start with forgiving others. I think it must be a way to prepare our hearts for meeting/talking ... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 09 | Thursday | Mark 11:20-25 Same thoughts Travis and Shelley. As it’s been rolling around in my mind this AM I was thinking about how I have to trust, fully, God in his sovereignty, but I do believe the Spirt gives us power and ... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 09 | Thursday | Mark 11:20-25 I. Don't. Know. 😩 I've been reading a lot about prayer and doing a lot of praying, and not all prayers get answered. Prayers are not meant to be wish lists. Prayers are invitations into the wo... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 09 | Wednesday | Mark 11:15-19 Posted by: @silverfx23 Is it wrong to wonder if what we are seeing is actual emotion here from Jesus? I don't think it's wrong to wonder that at all. I think Jesus clearly did have emotions, ju... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 09 | Wednesday | Mark 11:15-19 Posted by: @silverfx23 when I read this I wonder how much in common with the dad who loves his kids sooo much, but still has to go to the garage or take a walk alone, and then comes back inside and h... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 09 | Wednesday | Mark 11:15-19 I really do appreciate all the description both from Jimmy and from Travis, it helped me really contemplate more on this moment. Not to take away from anything anyone else has already commented, and o... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 09 | Wednesday | Mark 11:15-19 Thank you for the visuals yesterday, so good! @Travis Bruno I also appreciated what you wrote so much. This is such a defining moment, wow. I hadn't thought of it like that. I know Jesus was doing eve... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 09 | Wednesday | Mark 11:15-19 It cannot be expressed enough how dangerous what Jesus did in the Temple was...except that we know it ultimately gets him killed. There is a long tradition among the Hebrew prophets, as well as some c... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 09 | Tuesday | Mark 11:11-14 This flyover of modern Jerusalem, starting at 4:09 (starting looking north) shows the modern Temple Mount or, as it is known today, the Haram esh-Sharif , then shifts to the Church of the Holy Sepulch... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 09 | Tuesday | Mark 11:11-14 @travisbruno3 So good! If you need to add to your imaginative element of 'seeing' this scene, imagine the moon being full at night (Passover is always during a full moon). It would rise behind the Mou... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 09 | Tuesday | Mark 11:11-14 Here is a CGI video reproduction of Herod the Great's Temple complex as it may have been during Jesus' day: |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 09 | Sunday | Mark 11 Jesus ascends from Jericho to Bethany ("House of Ananas" or "House of the Poor") and Bethpage (g "House of Figs") on the east side of the Mount of Olives and then to Jerusalem and the Temple. The Jour... |
In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 08 | Friday | Mark 10:41-52 Any idea who Bartimaeus the son of Timaeus was? It’s not very often that one of the people healed is specifically named. Usually it’s “the lame man” or “the blind man”. |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 08 | Friday | Mark 10:41-52 Once again Jesus has to explain the upside-down nature of the Kingdom of God to his disciples. Then, with the healing of Bartimaeus, the chapter ends with the last healing miracle in the Gospel of Mar... |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 07 | Friday | Mark 9:28-50 @travisbruno3 Travis you asked: ...what kind of prayer does Jesus mean here? What was prayer to Jews and these disciples during this time? Just "talking to God" as we say it? Or something else? The... |
In forum WEEK 07 | MARK CHAPTERS 08-09 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 08 | Wednesday | Mark 10:23-31 Am I the rich young ruler or am I a disciple? Am I willing to be last or do I strive to still be first? Jesus looked at them and said, “with man it is impossible, but not with God. For ALL things are... |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 08 | Wednesday | Mark 10:23-31 “Then Peter spoke up, “We have left everything to follow you!” “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and ... |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 08 | Tuesday | Mark 10:10-22 ...the man looked sad and went away sorrowful, for he was very rich. In the world, we assume that wealth brings happiness. However, the reality may be the opposite. Many New Testament passages have h... |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 08 | Tuesday | Mark 10:10-22 In telling the rich young man to 'go, sell your possessions and give to the poor,' Jesus was not telling him to do something that Jesus himself had not done (and continues to do). When encouraging/cha... |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 08 | Tuesday | Mark 10:10-22 Some contextual thoughts on the passage from today regarding children: Children in the first-century were not idealized or romanticized as they are in today's culture. Children had no status, no posse... |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 08 | Sunday | Mark 10 The journey of Jesus in this chapter is from Galilee to Jericho. Click on the image below to see a large version of the map: Attachment : galilee-to-jericho.png |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 08 | Tuesday | Mark 10:10-22 As Jesus looked at him, he felt love for him Until now, I had the feeling that Jesus words to the young man were a rebuke but as I slow down and read, he looked at him with love. Who or what do ... |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 08 | Monday | Mark 10:1-9 This is the first time in the Gospel of Mark that Jesus has left the Galilee and the other regions to the north (the Decapolis, the Tetrarchy of Philip, and Phoenicia). Now Jesus is going south into t... |
In forum WEEK 08 | MARK CHAPTER 10 |
3 years ago |
Mark 8-9 Podcasts Better late than never? The podcasts for Week 07 of Year in the Gospels are finally out. This week Shelley Johnson joined us. Unfortunately, we had some connection problems with her Zoom feed, and we ... |
In forum WEEK 07 | MARK CHAPTERS 08-09 |
3 years ago |
RE: Week 07 | Monday | Mark 8:1-13 Then the Pharisees came and began to argue with Jesus, asking for a sign from heaven to test him. Sighing deeply in his spirit he said, “Why does this generation look for a sign? I tell you the truth,... |
In forum WEEK 07 | MARK CHAPTERS 08-09 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 07 | Wednesday | Mark 88 I find myself identifying with Peter very much in how he is portrayed here. Very human. He takes Jesus aside and gives Him a "talking to" then later offers to build Him Moses and Elijah a shelter eve... |
In forum WEEK 07 | MARK CHAPTERS 08-09 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 07 | Tuesday | Mark 8:14-30 Are there other places in scripture besides this one with the blind man that it takes Jesus a couple of attempts to fully heal someone? It’s interesting to me that it takes him a couple tries when we ... |
In forum WEEK 07 | MARK CHAPTERS 08-09 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 07 | Monday | Mark 8:1-13 I never realized how often Jesus gets in boats. 😅 And in the last couple of chapters bread has been central -- feeding 5000, Syrophoenician woman, and now the feeding of the 4000. The Gentile ... |
In forum WEEK 07 | MARK CHAPTERS 08-09 |
3 years ago |
RE:Week 06 | Thursday | Mark 7:24-30 The podcast helps remind me there are many ways we could read this -- it's a hard passage to know anything for sure. I just keep reminding myself to read this passage through the lens of the whole Bib... |
In forum WEEK 06 | MARK CHAPTER 07 |
3 years ago |