Mark Chapter 1 – Intro Resources
Welcome to the new year of daily Gospel readings for 2022. We begin with the Gospel of Mark. Matthew, Luke, and John will follow. Each week there will be one or two chapters of Gospels readings. This allows for a slow, easy-paced, and in-depth reading of each of the Gospels. The plan breaks each chapter down as whole-reading, then smaller daily readings. However, the length of readings could easily allow for a full reading each day of every chapter or two of the gospels per week. We hope you enjoy this process, grow closer to Jesus, and are shaped by His life through the readings.
- Sunday, January 2: Mark 1
- Monday, January 3: Mark 1:1-8
- Tuesday, January 4: Mark 1:9-15
- Wednesday, January 5: Mark 1:16-28
- Thursday, January 6: Mark 1:29-38
- Friday, January 7: Mark 1:39-45
- Saturday, January 8th: No planned reading (catch up, refresh, rest)
You can view/download a printable version of the full year of readings here.