Nancy Delpha

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Liked Forum Posts

RE: WEEK 30 | MONDAY | LUKE 6.1-19

@shelley-johnson, The line "one who goes behind me [opisō mou]" is used by John to refer to Jesus in Matthew 3.11n || Mark 1.6 || John 1.14 || John 1.26–31. This is the phrase used in the Gospels an...

In forum WEEK 30 | LUKE 6-7

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 30 | MONDAY | LUKE 6.1-19

@shelley-johnson, the Gospels seem to indicate that Jesus was a disciple of his cousin John the Baptizer (Jesus 'came after' John, a phrase used consistently in the gospels for followers/disciples), a...

In forum WEEK 30 | LUKE 6-7

3 years ago
RE: WEEK 23 | TUESDAY | MATTHEW 22.15-33

Posted by: @siteadmin 18 But Jesus realized their evil intentions and said, “Hypocrites! Why are you testing me? 19 Show me the coin used for the tax.” So they brought him a denarius. 20 Jesus said t...

In forum WEEK 23 | MATTHEW 22-23

3 years ago
RE:WEEK 21 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 19:16-30

For me, this whole week’s readings for me were about Trust…and…this year has provided me the understanding that faith is a noun and trust is the verb that feeds one’s faith…if I want my faith to incre...

In forum WEEK 21 | MATTHEW 18-19

3 years ago
RE:WEEK 21 | FRIDAY | MATTHEW 19:16-30

16 Now someone came up to him and said, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to gain eternal life?”  26 Jesus looked at them and replied, “This is impossible for mere humans, but for God...

In forum WEEK 21 | MATTHEW 18-19

3 years ago

I have always love Matthew 9:9-13, maybe because I am a nurse but today as Jesus is teaching at Mathew’s house I can’t help but notice how Jesus is using the Old Testament to bring home his point. Ins...

In forum WEEK 17 | MATTHEW 9-10

3 years ago

Posted by: @siteadmin In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets. Earlier, in Matthew 5:17 Jesus stated that he came "not to abolish ...

In forum WEEK 16 | MATTHEW 7-8

3 years ago

Happy Easter to all of you who are in this journey through scripture with me.

In forum WEEK 16 | MATTHEW 7-8

3 years ago
How a Genealogy Tells God’s Story (by Shelley Johnson)

The Gospel of Matthew opens with a great list of names. Maybe because of all the ‘begats’ in the book of Numbers, we see a genealogy like this and skip to verse 17 where the hard-to-pronounce names ar...

In forum WEEK 14 | MATTHEW 1-4

3 years ago
RE: Week 11 | Monday | Mark 13:1-8

@ndelpha Thank you. Seeing it makes a huge difference and gives perspective.

In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13

3 years ago
RE: Week 11 | Monday | Mark 13:1-8

The temple would have truly been awe inspiring and the disciples response to seeing the stones is still shared by so many who go see the western/wailing wall. The inevitable destruction of the temple ...

In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13

3 years ago
RE: Week 11 | Monday | Mark 13:1-8

@travisbruno3 Here's an example of the size of some of the Herodian stones. That's one stone where she is standing. Attachment : 2015-03-17 05.10.10.jpg Behind her are the arches to the "Tripl...

In forum WEEK 11 | MARK CHAPTER 13

3 years ago
RE: Mark 12 Podcasts

@ndelpha Nancy, thank you!! Also, please let us know if there's anything you would like us to discuss on the podcast.

In forum WEEK 10 | MARK CHAPTER 12

3 years ago
RE:Week 09 | Thursday | Mark 11:20-25

I. Don't. Know. 😩 I've been reading a lot about prayer and doing a lot of praying, and not all prayers get answered. Prayers are not meant to be wish lists. Prayers are invitations into the wo...

In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11

3 years ago
RE:Week 09 | Thursday | Mark 11:20-25

I think it is interesting that the one specific thing that is mentioned about praying is that we are to start with forgiving others. I think it must be a way to prepare our hearts for meeting/talking ...

In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11

3 years ago
RE: Week 09 | Tuesday | Mark 11:11-14

This flyover of modern Jerusalem, starting at 4:09 (starting looking north) shows the modern Temple Mount or, as it is known today, the Haram esh-Sharif , then shifts to the Church of the Holy Sepulch...

In forum WEEK 09 | MARK CHAPTER 11

3 years ago
RE:Week 06 | Wednesday | Mark 7:14-23

I feel like this is where Jesus speaks more plainly than ever. This. Is. A. Heart. Thing. It must be so hard though for these people living in this time who are so deeply steeped in their human tradit...

In forum WEEK 06 | MARK CHAPTER 07

3 years ago
RE:Week 06 | Tuesday | Mark 7:9-13

Came across a neat reminder in some of my studies that I had not recognized yet. The parentheticals, (that is, a gift of God) were used by Mark to help bring context to the gentile readers. So that th...

In forum WEEK 06 | MARK CHAPTER 07

3 years ago
RE: Week 06 | Tuesday | Mark 7:9-13

@jralphsmith A note on that word "corban." This is from the Hebrew qorban, it literally means "brought near" (qarob in Hebrew is "near"). It was a vowed gift to God made to the priests in the sanctuar...

In forum WEEK 06 | MARK CHAPTER 07

3 years ago