Great Isaiah Scroll

Great Isaiah Scroll

Photographs by Ardon Bar Hama, author of original document is unknown. – Website of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, see link.

Photographic reproduction of the Great Isaiah Scroll, the best preserved of the biblical scrolls found at Qumran. It contains the entire Book of Isaiah in Hebrew, apart from some small damaged parts. This manuscript was probably written by a scribe of the Jewish sect of the Essenes around the second century BC. It is therefore over a thousand years older than the oldest Masoretic manuscripts.

Photographs by Ardon Bar Hama, author of original document is unknown. – Website of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, see link.

Photographic reproduction of the Great Isaiah Scroll, the best preserved of the biblical scrolls found at Qumran. It contains the entire Book of Isaiah in Hebrew, apart from some small damaged parts. This manuscript was probably written by a scribe of the Jewish sect of the Essenes around the second century BC. It is therefore over a thousand years older than the oldest Masoretic manuscripts.

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