Week 09 Podcast: Mark 3-6
This week Jay and Jimmy discuss thoughts about demons, spiritual warefare, repentance, parables, and the great stories in Mark 6 about the restoration of a woman and a girl.
(more…)Mark 6:30-56: A Translation
Jesus feeds the 5000, walks on water, and heals.
Mark 6:1-29: A Translation
A translation: Here is a google doc of a working translation of Mark 6:1-29. You can read it below in the frame, or link directly to the document.
Mark 5:21-43: A Translation
Jesus heals the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus’ young daughter.
Mark 5:1-20: A Translation
Jesus, the man, and the legion of unclean spirits.
Week 08 Podcast: Matthew 27-28
Jay and Jimmy discuss the final two chapter of Matthew (27 & 28), dealing with the suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. Then they dive into the Gospel of Mark, addressing elements of chapter 1 from our readings this week and a brief look ahead to Mark 2
(more…)Week 07 Podcast: Matthew 22-26
Jimmy Doyle and Shelley Johnson discuss thoughts inspired by the reading from the last week of Jesus life leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection (Matthew 22-26).
Topics discussed include the phrase “son of man”, Judas, Jesus’ prayer and humanity, and our call to follow Jesus.
(more…)Week 06 Podcast: Matthew 20-24
This week Jay and Jimmy discuss Matthew 20-24, the beginning of the last week of Jesus’ life in Jerusalem. The discussion includes Jesus’ use of parables in the section, who were the various groups in the stories (Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, etc), the relationship of the four gospels to one another, and a few other topics.
(more…)Week 05 Podcast: Matthew 16-19
Jay Smith, Vickie Taylor, and Jimmy Doyle discuss elements from the previous week’s readings: transfiguration, binding and loosing, and divorce. They also discuss a few thoughts about this upcoming week’s readings.
(more…)Week 04 Podcast: Matthew 13-15
Jay and Jimmy chat about thoughts from the readings from the last week: Uncleanness, Words, the Kingdom of Heaven, etc.