Year in the New Testament Podcast: The Gospel of John, Chapters 1-4
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This week Jay and Jimmy discuss content from John 1-4, including Jesus as the Logos made flesh (John 1), water into wine (John 2), and conversations with Nicodemus (John 3) and with a Samaritan woman (John 4).
(more…)John 5:1–24
LUMO Project Videos
These videos contain full translations of biblical passages and are used around the world (in multiple languages) to introduce people to the story of Jesus.
John 5:1-18
John 5:19-47
John 4:31–54
LUMO Project Videos
These videos contain full translations of biblical passages and are used around the world (in multiple languages) to introduce people to the story of Jesus.
John 4:27-54
John 4:1–30
LUMO Project Videos
These videos contain full translations of biblical passages and are used around the world (in multiple languages) to introduce people to the story of Jesus.
John 4:1-26
John 3:22–36
LUMO Project Videos
These videos contain full translations of biblical passages and are used around the world (in multiple languages) to introduce people to the story of Jesus.
John 3:22-36
John 3:1–21
LUMO Project Videos
These videos contain full translations of biblical passages and are used around the world (in multiple languages) to introduce people to the story of Jesus.
John 3:1-21
John 2:1–25
LUMO Project Videos
These videos contain full translations of biblical passages and are used around the world (in multiple languages) to introduce people to the story of Jesus.
John 2:1-12
John 2:12-25
John 1:29–51
LUMO Project Videos
These videos contain full translations of biblical passages and are used around the world (in multiple languages) to introduce people to the story of Jesus.
John 1:19-34
John 1:35-51
John 1:1-28
Bible Project on the Gospel According to John, Part 1:
LUMO Project Videos
These videos contain full translations of biblical passages and are used around the world (in multiple languages) to introduce people to the story of Jesus.
John 1:1-18
John 1:19-34
Year in the Bible Podcast: Wrapping-up the Gospel of Luke
Listen on Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Overcast | PocketCast | Castro
In this episode, Jay and Jimmy discuss elements in the Gospel of Luke about salvation, community, the poor and outcasts, the destruction of Jerusalem, and a bit of the Resurrection appearances to the two on the way to Emmaus.